[video] Class of 2021: 3 Things To Increase Your Scholarship Chances

Attention all incoming Senior families!! Don’t wait until the last minute to start financial planning for college. Your POWER is in your timing. This upcoming school year is obviously important and for many different reasons. The good news is that time is still on your side. Now is the time to do the proper planning, construct a well thought out budget, get those grades and test scores up, and create your compelling story that admission counselors and the enrollment committee cannot wait to be inspired by. DO NOT wait until the second semester comes around to figure out how your going to afford college. Unless your financial plan includes living with your children at 65 allocating money to college without a properly funded retirement is one of the worst financial decisions parents make. You can do both you just need to know how. I know it may be a cliche but the saying is true, “People don’t plan to fail they simply fail to plan.”

You can do this and the power is yours!! In this quick video we share a few important planning ideas to keep in mind that can help you reduce your out of of pocket costs and receive more scholarships. What you don’t know can cost you…and it usually does.

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