A Grade Above College Planning

We help you college.

We know how to help

As college funding experts, our focus is on helping students and parents afford quality education at a fair price. We show you how to save ON college not just for college. We want you to have money available for college as well as for other children, your retirement, or for anything you desire. We help you to:
  • Dramatically increase your chances of getting “free money” even if you think you make or have too much money to qualify.

  • Understand how to use the financial aid formula to your advantage.

  • Access data-driven projections for what each school is likely to give your student in free money vs. loans, and estimate your final out-of-pocket costs per school.

  • Explore college funding options that can be significantly more cost-effective, tax-advantaged, and easier to afford.

With you all the way

Our experts stay with you every step of the way making sure you have all of the information so you can make the best decisions.



Know where you stand. If college were to start in one week, do you feel confident in being able to pay for all years including years 5-6 without using student loans or key assets? If you not certain you can use our Financial Aid Analysis tool to know:
  • The TRUE cost you can expect from your top choice colleges including gift aid and self-help aid you are likely to receive and if you can improve your opportunity to GET (MORE) MONEY!
  • The Merit Scholarships that you qualify for at your top choice schools to give you a real sense of college generosity and requirements to apply.
  • All of the pros and cons of the different types of college savings vehicles to help ensure you are making the best decisions for college savings options.
  • Information on specific Tax credit opportunities that you can take to your CPA for more guidance.



Do you know about all the colleges and scholarships that you qualify for? Find the money with your Personalized Scholarship Packet. 

  • We will identify several colleges that the student may be a great fit for, and are likely to provide money in the form of scholarships. 
  • Information about the individual scholarship requirements and deadlines. This includes renew-ability requirements as well. 
  • College report card to show you how well the school scored in other areas such as transportation, athletics, diversity, housing, and much more.
  • A comparison to other similar colleges.


Create a Strategy

How do you plan to pay for college? Create an actionable plan to save not just for but ON the cost of college. Have your questions answered and set clear goals to maximize your potential at getting scholarships and establish a funding gameplan that makes financial sense today for college and in the future for your retirement.
Choose a convenient time to schedule a call with a college funding expert.


Monitor and Review

Now that you know where you stand financially. You have detailed scholarship information, and you’ve created a funding plan along with having your questions answered. The next step is CONSISTENCY.  The best plan is the one that is acted upon and modified as needed. This ensures you stay on the right track to paying less for college and to having a stress-free* journey along the way.
*Removing all stress is not guaranteed nor is it likely 🙂

Our Mission:

We are people just like you. We have families that share similar values, goals, and challenges when facing college. Through years of experience and research, we have solutions to help you face those challenges. Our goal is to educate you and help you create a structured approach based on your personal and unique situation starting with YOUR main priorities and concerns about paying for college.

Our Free Ebook
"The Business of College"
could save you thousands on tuition!


Our Services

A Grade Above College Planning is dedicated to helping you navigate the complex road to college.  Here's how we do it:

Save $24,000 on tuition!

Our scholarship finder includes an average of $6,000 per year in scholarships!

Know what to expect, including how much.

Our Financial Aid Analysis will tell you exactly what your expected family contribution will be.

Get answers to your questions.

We will work with you to get your student to the podium.

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