Will you be using loans, your income, your savings, or scholarships to pay for college? It’s now September and that means you still have time to prepare. Families who take the time to prepare for the FAFSA and other financial aid forms receive on average 23% more financial aid than the families who don’t prepare. If you have been busy and unable to prepare for the FAFSA that’s okay. You still have time! Just don’t wait much longer. Many scholarships or tuition discounts are predicated on the information in your FAFSA application. If you earn a lot or have a lot you should still complete the FAFSA. There are colleges that provide generous need based financial aid for families who can demonstrate a need and there are also colleges that provide strong tuition discounts for families who demonstrate they may not have a need. The important thing to understand here is that if the colleges do not know your financial situation they cannot determine what type of aid to provide you. School selection is always important, but completing the financial aid forms is the first step to paying less for college.
First, Known your projected Expected Family Contribution aka EFC.
Second, Know how to Optimize your Expected Family Contribution. Lowering your EFC raises your aid eligibility.
Third, Once projected EFC has been optimized COMPLETE THE FAFSA.
Lastly, If you have questions get Answers NOW!
Its that simple. Take the FAFSA seriously and get it done. Contact us for help or questions.
How do I lower my EFC
There are many ways to lower your EFC. Do your know what your EFC is and why? I hate to be vague in my reply but think of your EFC as lower back pain. Before you can fix the pain you must know how, where, or why the pain started in the first place. Then and only then can you properly address the pain. Same goes for your EFC. I can tell you many ways to lower your EFC but some or none of them may be appropriate for your situation until we first determine your EFC and how it came to that amount. I hope this helps. Thank you for your comment.