Online College Classroom Dilemma 🙃🤔

What you don’t know can cost you!!

With colleges finding new ways to adapt to a changing environment which includes virtual tours, virtual meetings, and online classes, one might question if the NEW college experience is worth the cost. There may be no better time than now for uncommitted students of the class of 2020 and incoming transfer students who have general education credits outstanding to consider Community College. As parents and students seek to find more ways to make college more affordable, this could be a great opportunity to reduce substantial expense originally intended for the “college experience”. Colleges are business and part of their job is to convince you that their learning experience is superior to other choices you have and far superior to their community college counterpart. They believe this so much they are willing to charge you more that double, triple, or four times the cost!! It is not always about where you start, it can be more about where you finish.

Good luck to you and your decision!

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