There are many things that can change the direction of a students college outcome and many of which you don’t have any control over. However there number one thing that can end a students hope of the college dream fortunately you do have control over as parents. The questions I ask every parent I consult with is “Under what circumstance if you aren’t around would you like your student to drop out of college”, and every single parent %100 of the time unanimously say NONE. Which makes a lot of sense especially if they are putting together a college plan. What about the families that don’t have a plan? Do you think those parents would have a different answer?? As a parent myself I highly doubt any loving parent would have a different response. But the surprising truth is that so many students can finish or even attend college because of an untimely and very unfortunate death of a parent. The number one reason college students drop out of college is related to money. Although a parent may have the means to afford college many of them do not not have a protection plan in place because most people don’t plan to not be here. This is one thing as a parent you have complete control over. I highly recommend that every parent reevaluate your current life insurance coverage and explore the possibility of increase your cover amount during the college years.
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